*Citrus College Dental Assisting Program
Director Claudia Pohl, 626.914.8427, cpohl@citruscollege.edu
*Hacienda-La Puente Adult Education Dental Assisting Program
Director Heather Pasicznyk, 626-934-2890, hpasicznyk@hlpusd.k12.ca.us
*North-West College Dental Assisting Program
Director Theresa Zsupnik, 626-960-5046, theresaz@success.edu
*Pasadena City College, Dental Assisting Program
Director Lori Gagliardi, 626.585.7542, ligagliardi@pasadena.edu
Pasadena City College, Dental Hygiene Program
Director Beverly Legg, 626.585.7545, bjlegg@pasadena.edu
Pasadena City College, Dental Lab Program
Director Anita Bobich, 626.585.7884, ambobich@pasadena.edu
*Tri-Cities ROP Dental Assisting Program
Director Pat McCaw, 562.698.9571 ext. 212, pmccaw@tricitiesrop.org
* The above Dental Assisting Programs offer Externship sites throughout the year. The programs also accept qualified patients to fulfill the student’s requirements in: radiographs, coronal polish and pit and fissure sealants. There is no charge to the patient for the service; however each patient must have a signed consent prescription from their DDS requesting the specific type of service needed. Please call the number listed above for further inquiries.